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Welcome to Oakland

About Us

Business Goal

Our mission

At Oakland College, we are committed to providing an exceptional educational experience aimed at achieving academic and personal excellence for our students. Our mission is commitment

About us


“Our ambition is for Oakland College to be a center of excellence for higher education and personal development, where a stimulating and supportive learning environment is provided to enable students to achieve their fullest potential. We strive to provide a comprehensive educational experience characterized by quality, academic excellence and individual attention.”

Business Goal


At Oakland College, we are committed to achieving high levels of academic excellence. We believe that quality education is the basis for achieving success, and we strive to provide distinguished study programs that meet the needs of students and contribute to the comprehensive development of their skills and knowledge.

About us


1- Achieving academic excellence: Striving to provide an educational environment that stimulates academic excellence and enables students to achieve their highest academic levels.
2-Providing a diverse and integrated educational experience: Providing comprehensive and diverse educational programs that meet the needs of students from different backgrounds and academic fields.
3-Enhancing student interaction and personal experience: Providing opportunities for students to actively participate in university life and develop their personal and social skills.

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Team member

We feel very proud for our great achievement

It is great to be part of an outstanding team that always strives to achieve success and empower others.

Clients / Students Review

Our Students

My experience at Oakland British College was absolutely amazing. Thanks to the excellent teaching and academic support I received
Sergey Brin
I can only thank Oakland British College for the wonderful learning experience it provided me. From the stimulating learning environment to the comprehensive curriculum and distinguished teachers
Edwin Catmull
I was very happy with my experience at Oakland British College. I received great support from the staff and teachers,
Alvy Ray Smith